Which hat for which face?

Having a head with a hat is not something you can improvise. It is essential to choose your headgear carefully to display an impeccable look. In fact, wearing a hat can enhance your appearance, whether you're a man or a woman. It's an exceptional device that requires careful selection. To do so, you must consider the shape of your face.

The hat for a round face

Do you have a round face and want to wear a hat? Opt for a device that helps to lengthen your face. You'll need a hat that doesn't accentuate the rounded side of your face. More graphic shapes are therefore preferable to give structure. This is the case with the Fedora or Borsalino. The same goes for the beret which will bring geometric lines to your face. You should also know that hats with wide edges are also your best allies. Choosing a hat for a round face therefore means adopting asymmetrical models.

For a square face

The square face is distinguished by its straightness and regularity accompanied by defined features. It is also characterized by a forehead and a proportionally wide jaw. Thus, when wearing a hat, the aim is to round off the angles. Melon or bell type headgear is most recommended. The latter are distinguished by their rather round shape which is very fashionable. They are suitable for both men and women. You can also put on models with medium edges. That way, the square shape will be softer. The fedora is also very suitable if you are small.

For an oval face

Choosing a hat for a slightly rounded face also requires a good selection. This is the most ideal face shape. Its features are proportionate. This makes it easier to choose compared to the other two types of faces. You should therefore know that if you have an oval face, you can wear almost any type of hat. You still need to make the right choice according to the size of your forehead. However, prefer a hat with a medium crown height to be at the top of your beauty. Also consider your personality to evoke a seductive style. In short, the most important thing in choosing a hat is to know how to balance the shape of your face. This is the key to a successful look.
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